10 Exciting New Goals to Consider This Spring

Woman smelling a daffodil while thinking about her new goals for gardening

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In this Article


Explore a new goal that connects you with your sense of purpose.  


Spring symbolizes new beginnings. It’s the perfect time to refresh your life goals or chart a new path altogether. With the world coming back to life and reminding us of the beauty of God’s creation, setting some new goals could not only improve your personal wellbeing but also connect you more deeply to the purpose God has for your life. How can you make this spring a season of spiritual renewal and fulfillment?  

The Benefits of New Goals  

Setting new goals during spring can be a revitalizing experience that brings a sense of direction to your life. Whether it’s trying a different hobby, traveling to an unfamiliar place, or volunteering for a cause you care about, each goal you set can lead to meaningful changes in your life.   

Not only do these goals encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, but they also offer a chance to learn and grow in ways you might not have imagined. By aligning your objectives with God’s plan for your life – and the renewing energy of spring – you can tap into a natural momentum that will propel you towards achieving your aspirations.  

10 New Goals for You to Consider   

1. Start a Garden 

Whether it’s a flower garden to beautify your space or a vegetable garden to contribute to your table, gardening connects you with God’s creation. Feel a sense of accomplishment as you watch your plants grow. Let this garden be a place of contentment for you. What can your new gardening goals teach you about patience, care, and the beautiful world God has given us?  

2. Practice Daily Prayer or Meditation  

Did your spiritual life fall to the wayside or slide into a rut this winter? Spring is the perfect time to begin again or refresh your spiritual practices. Pick a time each day when you will engage in prayer or meditation. With the weather warming up, consider saying your prayers during a daily walk or doing your meditation time outside.   

3. Focus on Your Home or Office 

A clean, decluttered, and comfortable living space can help you feel more peaceful and ready to take on new challenges. Make a point this spring of tidying up and personalizing your home or office. Consider how you can make it a more welcoming place for yourself and your loved ones. Maybe that means adding some plants and photos or organizing your workspace to improve productivity during the day. How can you optimize your space  so that it brings you fulfillment and joy? 

4. Take a Digital Detox  

Our phones and computers have become essential extensions of ourselves, but the constant stimulation can be draining. Consider the new goal of taking a break from social media for a week to intentionally focus on your personal goals. Or evaluate the amount of time you spend mindlessly scrolling or watching television. You might find that occasionally unplugging leads to increased creativity, mindfulness, and clarity in your life.  

5. Explore Your Creative Side  

Creativity is another way to connect with God and His plans for your life. What creative endeavors have you always been curious about? Singing, painting, knitting, writing, or learning a new instrument are just a few examples of new goals to exercise creativity in your daily life. Don’t worry about being perfect or showing your creativity to others. Sometimes the simple act of making something is fulfilling enough.  

6. Make a Personalized Fitness Goal  

With the warmer weather and the chance to spend more time outdoors, make it a new goal to get moving in a way that’s meaningful to you. Whether you join a recreational sports team, take up hiking or try yoga for the first time, choose an activity that energizes and uplifts you. Try to make a meaningful goal for yourself, like “I will hike every trail near my home” or “I will run a marathon next year.” Remember, the goal isn’t to reach a certain body shape or size, but to feel healthy and joyful in the body God gave you.  

7. Volunteer for a Cause You Care About  

Springtime is the perfect opportunity to give back and make a difference in your community. Find an organization or cause that aligns with your values and sense of purpose. If you are passionate about nature, consider volunteering with your local park service. If your purpose is to uplift and care for others, look into volunteer opportunities at a nursing home. Offer your time, talents, or resources. Whether it’s volunteering at a local food bank, mentoring young people, or participating in a fundraiser for an important cause, you can make a positive impact while connecting with others who share your passion.  

8. Take Up a New Outdoor Activity  

With the warmer weather and longer days, spring is the perfect time to try a new outdoor activity. Consider something adventurous like rock climbing or kayaking, or something more meditative like bird watching or nature photography. Whatever activity you choose, use it as an opportunity to connect with God’s creation and take in the wonder around you. How could a new goal in an outside setting bring you a deeper sense of contentment with the world?   

9. Plan Your Next Trip  

Whether you’re dreaming of an international adventure or a weekend getaway, planning your next trip this spring can serve as motivation to work towards that goal. Use the beauty and newness of the season to find inspiration for where you want to go next. Consider visiting a place with significant religious or spiritual importance to you, or simply pick a destination that speaks to your soul. Reflect on how you will engage with the local culture and find ways to bring your faith with you on your travels.   

10. Invest in Learning a New Skill or Language   

Spring is an ideal time to challenge yourself by learning something new that can enrich your life in many ways. Consider taking a course in something you’ve always been interested in or start learning a new language. This not only provides you with a great sense of achievement but also opens new avenues for communication and understanding of different cultures. Reflect on how this goal aligns with your purpose and how acquiring a new skill or language can expand your horizons and help you connect with others in more meaningful ways.   

With the changing of the seasons comes opportunities for growth, renewal, and exploration. Whether it’s a spiritual goal or something that simply brings you joy, use this season as an opportunity to connect with your purpose and find new ways to thrive in life. Let God guide you as you set new goals and watch how He works through your efforts towards achieving them. 

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