I admit I am performance-oriented. The familiar urge to achieve was triggered recently when I met with a friend about her work. I listened to her talk about her job, her busy schedule, and the interesting people she meets. “How about you? What are you up to these days?” she asked.
I didn’t have much to say other than “I’m trying to figure that out. I’ve been an overachiever since a young age. I got in trouble rarely, played competitive tennis, and received good grades. I went to college, and then got my master’s. I worked. I married, had kids, and wrote some books. I volunteered. I learned to cook, sort of. I did everything I thought I should do. Life zoomed ahead, and now with my adult children launched, I recently started to ask myself again, What should I do? What’s my purpose? Then I came across this quote by Brennan Manning in his book Abba’s Child, “Define yourself as one radically loved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion.”
That was just the reminder I needed to hear—I am radically loved. In fact, Jesus loved me so much He died for me. I can’t undo my past, but I can move forward with confidence because I am loved, not because of what I do. I don’t have to strive to impress anyone because Jesus rejoices over me with gladness, quiets me with His love.