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Thu 9/28


With a quiet mind, I will hear God’s words.
Thu 9/28


With a quiet mind, I will hear God’s words.
2 Timothy 3:16
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”



September 28 2023 Devotion

How to Make The Best Decision

By: Tracy Eldridge



How to Make The Best Decision

By: Tracy Eldridge

Recently I had to make a difficult career decision. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t stepping out of the will of God by trying to escape an arduous assignment for something easier. I prayed, asking Jesus to make the decision for me. 

Shortly after praying that prayer, I found out that is not how Jesus operates. The choice was mine. But I wanted to make sure I was making the right choice. I didn’t want to be thrown into chaos all over again. I was also comfortable in my current position. Was I afraid to leave my familiar surroundings?  

After much prayer, I decided to stay in my current position. Again, I sought the guidance of Jesus, asking Him to close the door on the other option if I was making the right decision. But Jesus kept the other door open, and I vacillated between the two choices. I wanted to choose correctly. Mid-process, I began to realize that I can make plans, but ultimately Jesus is the One who will direct my path if I trust in Him.  

Regardless of our decisions in some areas of our lives, Jesus will have His way. When we seek His guidance, He will determine the direction of our steps and authenticate our decisions, assuring us that we are on the right course.  

After much back and forth, I chose to make the career move. I know I will miss the familiar surroundings, but I am confident that Jesus is directing my steps. Even though I am uncertain about what I will face, I believe it’ll be a good career decision. I know that Jesus is leading the way.


September 28 2023 Story

10 Steps to Help You Make the Right Decisions

By: Sabra Ciancanelli

It is said that history turns on small hinges. The same could be said for your life–sometimes a seemingly small decision may turn out to be the big decision that shapes your life. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale compiled these 10 steps to help you make the right decisions.  

1. Get Quiet
Only a quiet mind can think at maximum efficiency. Find a quiet place, sit down and compose yourself. 

2. Repeat Psalm 73:24
Repeat Psalm 73:24 three times, “Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.”  We have access to God’s advice and counsel. How can you go wrong if you take His advice? In any decision you are about to make, affirm that you are receiving God’s advice. 

3. Pray and Think
Conceive of God’s advice passing into your mind. Wait for Him to transmit the right idea. If you must have His advice today, you will get it. If you do not need it until next week, you will have it then. Believe. 

4. Invite Jesus to Enter Your Mind
Say Philippians 2:5 three times, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” It has been said, “We can nestle into Plato’s brain and think from there.” That means that we can get up into the vast brain of Plato and see things as he saw them. But colossal as was Plato’s brain, there is an even greater brain, into the heights of which we can climb and see with clarity and breadth of knowledge far above ourselves. Imagine therefore that you are considering your problem in the great brain of Christ. 

5. Ask Yourself, “What Would Jesus Do in This Decision?”
Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do in this decision?” He would do the right thing. Ask God to take all wrong and error out of your heart. 

6. Do Not Hurry
Never force a decision. Allow your problem to simmer in your mind. 

7. Thank God
God is giving you the right answer. Thank Him for the great happiness that is in your heart, knowing that you are so spiritually right that the element of error has been profoundly lessened. You will get the right answer. 

8. Pray Hard and Think Hard
When the time is up, and you must decide, pray, “Lord, show me the next thing to do” The first idea that comes into my mind is the answer. 

9. Trust Your Answer
Having received your answer, trust it. Take it with faith and thanksgiving. If you have sought God’s counsel and prayed earnestly, your answer will come up as a clear, bright light burning in the mind. Trust it. God will see you through. 

10. God Will See You Through!
The Lord is your helper. He will see you through! 


What is the most important thing to remember when choosing your next course?

Every moment is an opportunity to put my beliefs into action.

When I need to decide on a course of action, I can ask God to guide me.

Even when I put a choice before God, it is still mine to make.

May God’s love encourage and guide your steps today. We’ll see you again soon!

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