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Sun 12/10


I can find a confidence boost in unexpected places.
Sun 12/10


I can find a confidence boost in unexpected places.


November 13 2023 Story

Hairdresser with a Heart

Based on a story by Roberta Messner

From the moment she saw Farrah Fawcett on TV in Charlie’s Angels, Roberta dreamed of having hair like hers. After making an appointment with her stylist, she finally had a Farrah-do. But now she was going to lose it all.   

The brain tumor she’d battled a few years back had returned—she would have to go through surgery and lose her precious locks once again.    

Carole, her friend and fellow nurse, suggested Roberta visit Gary, a hairdresser who could help her feel good about herself during this difficult time. Roberta agreed and made her way to Gary’s salon. He greeted her with kindness and compassion, suggesting they give her a short cut to smooth the transition of losing her hair. Despite her initial hesitation, Roberta agreed.   

As Gary snipped away at her hair, Roberta’s frosted tips fluttered to the floor. But instead of just sweeping them away, Gary respectfully gathered them into a tidy pile. It made it easier for Roberta, somehow, knowing he understood and respected how she felt. When the cut was complete, Roberta no longer had her signature Farrah-do, but still looked chic and stylish.    

Roberta’s transition was made easier, but she still struggled to accept that her locks were gone. Every time she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she winced at the dull green post-op headwrap from the hospital barely hiding her baldness. While Roberta was recovering at home, Carole stopped by for a visit. She told her Gary had received a shipment of beautiful turbans and wanted Roberta to have one.   

The two friends went to the salon together, and Gary picked out a bright, flowered turban for Roberta to wear. Gary turned Roberta away from the mirror to slip the turban on her head and when he spun her back around to face the mirror, she gasped. Her hair! It was back, and it looked almost like her beloved Farrah Fawcett style.    

Gary had saved all the hair he had cut and made it into a wig for Roberta to wear. It was like a miracle. Roberta was grateful for Gary’s kindness and his ability to make her feel good about herself during such a difficult time. Charlie’s Angels themselves could not have orchestrated it any better. 


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–2 Timothy 1:7
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline”



The next time you need a confidence boost, what will you remember?

I can find confidence by being open with loved ones about my feelings.

God has a way of bringing confidence in unexpected ways.

I will reflect on a time I was confident to remind myself what I’m capable of doing.

May God’s love encourage and guide your steps today. We’ll see you again soon!

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