When Linda’s boss told her she had to give a speech before her managers, she broke out in a cold sweat. She was tempted to say, “I can’t do it,” but her boss saying “I have confidence in you” kept her silent. When the big day arrived, she managed to get through her talk, even though her voice sounded creaky, she forgot a line, she was sure her one joke fell flat and when one man asked a question, she stammered through the answer.
Finally, the managers left and her boss made the surprise announcement that he had videotaped her presentation. Linda was surprised to realize she actually looked and sounded a lot more composed than she felt. “I taped it so that you could see that how you felt inside didn’t show on the outside,” her boss said. “Now aren’t you glad you didn’t let your fear stop you?”
Linda came to understand that God didn’t want fear to stop her from doing what He knew she could do. Instead, He used it as a spur to get her to work as hard as she could. While learning to ski, she hung on to the instructor’s every word, and she didn’t break a leg as she had feared. And at work, when she had to take on some of her managers’ duties while they were on vacation, she handled it admirably without embarrassing herself.
So heartened was Linda by her progress that she resolved to have a dinner party for 10 people—something she’d always wanted to do but felt intimidated by. She assembled her recipes, did far too many trial runs and with God’s help got through the big day. She had taken to heart an important lesson: That she should let any fear she feels motivate her to work harder—and not use it as an excuse to run away from a challenge.