The Persistent Mindset: The Benefits and How to Get It

Resilience: The Persistent Mindset: The Benefits and How to Get It

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In this Article


Learn how a persistent mindset keeps you focused, productive, and goal oriented especially during challenging times.


American writer and lecturer, Dale Carnegie, once said, “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” His words remind us of the importance of a persistent mindset, a determination to keep going even when we’d rather give up. 

The Bible mentions something similar in Galatians 6:9 when Paul says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (ESV). What a powerful verse encouraging a persistent mindset, pointing us forward to the eventual reward of our efforts! 

If you’ve been feeling a bit defeated lately, please know there is a way to cultivate persistence and reap the benefits. Here are a few things to consider with strategies to help you out. 

1. A Persistent Mindset Keeps You Focused 

Distractions abound in our world today with a constant barrage of noise and messaging that can waste valuable time and even derail us from accomplishing our goals. Having a persistent mindset keeps you focused on what’s important. Things like faith, family, and purpose become front and center when persistence is the driver. 

How to Get It: Remove unnecessary distractions such as mindlessly scrolling social media, watching too much television, and going down rabbit holes of public opinion. Instead, turn your attention to the people you love most, the activities that bring joy, and the God-given gifts waiting to be used for His glory.  

2.  A Persistent Mindset Fuels Productivity

When persistence becomes the backbone of your mindset, you’ll be driven to meet your goals no matter what obstacles arise. Productivity will be fueled by a deep sense of tenacity—a “can’t stop” mentality that helps you push through unexpected setbacks. Just like Paul said, in Galatians 6:9, “In due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” 

How to Get It: Divide bigger goals into smaller milestones to maintain a persistent mindset. Aim for progress, not perfection, and create margin for plenty of rest and enjoyment. Whenever a discouraging thought comes such as, this is overwhelming, pray for God’s help and rely on His strength. Remember Psalm 46:1 which says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” 

3. A Persistent Mindset Deepens Your Resolve

There’s a marked difference between stubbornness and resolve. Being stubborn typically comes from a desire to be right all the time or get our own way. Resolve, however, stems from a heart of determination and perseverance. Having a persistent mindset deepens your resolve, helping you courageously step into the unknown with strength and confidence. 

How to Get It: Make a list of goals in order of importance. It could be scheduling daily time with God through prayer and Bible or making sure you have regular get-togethers with family friends. Other goals could be getting regular exercise and proper nutrition or learning to meet work deadlines at a peaceful, achievable pace. 

Once you’ve prioritized your goals, schedule them as non-negotiable appointments. Stepping into a more focused and intentional routine, your resolve will automatically deepen as you reap the benefits of persistence. 

4. A Persistent Mindset Strengthens Your Faith

If you’re familiar with Hebrews chapter 11, you might know it as the “faith” chapter. In it, the writer records men and women of faith who faced challenging circumstances with full trust in God’s provision. I encourage you to read Hebrews 11 with fresh eyes and an open heart, learning from those who paved the way of persistency. Keep in mind, faith is strengthened when coupled with a persistent mindset. Doubts are dispelled by God’s truth, fears are alleviated by the Holy Spirit’s power, and defeat is conquered by Jesus’ victory on the cross. 

How to Get It: Read stories of faithful men and women throughout history who overcame severe trials, persevered despite their limitations, and allowed a persistent mindset to propel them forward in life and faith. Even now, there are modern-day heroes who are shining examples of endurance and strength. Learning all you can from other people’s examples is a powerful way to develop your persistent mindset. 

The Ultimate Value of Persistence 

Though it’s easy to undervalue persistence, it truly is a remarkable attribute to have. After all, without a persistent mindset the mistreated widow, mentioned in Jesus’ parable, wouldn’t have received justice (Luke 18). Helen Keller wouldn’t have earned a college degree despite being deaf and blind. Thomas Edison wouldn’t have invented the light bulb after more than 2,000 attempts. 

A persistent mindset is invaluable because it doesn’t entertain doubt, doesn’t dwell on past mistakes, and doesn’t allow discouragement to win. Persistence keeps us focused, productive, and goal-oriented, leading to greater fulfillment and personal success. 

When developing your persistent mindset, remember it’s a marathon not a sprint. Choose one of the benefits listed and implement one action, one tip at a time. Eventually, you’ll have the mental fortitude to “keep on keeping on,” even when tempted to give up.

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